Audience Movie Rating Project: A Bayesian Regression Analysis

Load packages and set working directory

setwd("~/Downloads/R projects")

Load data

main_data <- load("movies.Rdata")
write.table(movies, "movies_full")

1. Data

  1. Generalizibility: The sample data covers a time period of 45 years between 1970 and 2014. The data is generalizable enough because it contains 650 observations. However, as figure 1 below shows, observations in the sample increase per year from 1970 to 2014. From a data collector’s perspective this might be because internet reviews coincided with the rise of the internet itself. We can see this phenomena in figure 2: there are more IMDB votes for movies recently released (not all) compared to the ones in 1980s. Thus from a modeling standpoint, any movie selected from the early 70s would be hard to predict, since more observational weight is provided to recent releases.
  2. Causality: Since we are considering several variables, which might impact the audience_score the data and its variables are adequate. However, measurement errors may arise in the variables.
  ggplot(movies, aes(x = thtr_rel_year)) + xlab("Release year") + ylab("Frequency") +
  ggplot(movies, aes(y = imdb_num_votes, x = thtr_rel_year)) + xlab("Release year") + ylab("IMDB No. of Votes") +
    geom_point()+geom_smooth(method = lm),
  labels = c(1:2)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

2. Data manipulation.

Create all required variables.

movies_main <- movies %>% 
    oscar_season = ifelse(thtr_rel_month == 10| thtr_rel_month == 11| thtr_rel_month == 12, "yes","no"),
    summer_season = ifelse(thtr_rel_month == 5| thtr_rel_month == 6| thtr_rel_month == 7|
                           thtr_rel_month == 8, "yes","no"),
    feature_film = ifelse(title_type == "Feature Film", "yes", "no"),
    drama = ifelse(genre == "Drama", "yes", "no"),
    mpaa_rating_R = ifelse(mpaa_rating == "R", "yes", "no"),

Select the necessary variables for analysis.

movies_main <- movies_main %>%
  select(feature_film, drama, runtime, mpaa_rating_R, thtr_rel_year, oscar_season,
         summer_season, imdb_rating, imdb_num_votes, critics_score, best_pic_nom,
         best_pic_win, best_actor_win, best_actress_win, best_dir_win, top200_box, audience_score)

Convert necessary variables to factors.

names <- c("oscar_season","summer_season","feature_film","drama","mpaa_rating_R")
movies_main[,names] <- lapply(movies_main[,names],factor)

3. Exploratory data analysis

movies_main_gg <- movies_main[,names] #subset data
movies_main_gg <- movies_main_gg[,c(3,4,1,2,5)]

P = list()
for (i in names(movies_main_gg)){
  mydata = data.frame(covr1 = movies_main_gg[[i]], as = movies_main$audience_score)
  p = ggplot(mydata, aes(x = covr1, y = as))+
    geom_boxplot(notch=F) + labs(x = paste0(i), y = "Audience Score")+
    stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", shape=23, size=4)
    theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 9))
  P = c(P, list(p))

plot_grid(plotlist = P, labels = c(1:5), ncol = 3)

movies_summary <- movies_main %>%
summary_data <- data.frame(
  "Variable" = c("Feature film","Drama","Oscar season","Summer season","R rating"),
  "Yes" = c(sum(ifelse(movies_summary[,1]=="yes",1,0)),
  "No" = c(sum(ifelse(movies_summary[,1]=="no",1,0)),
summary_addon <- data.frame(
  "Audience score" = "Audience score",
  "Mean" = mean(movies_main$audience_score),
  "Median" = median(movies_main$audience_score)
Variable Yes No
Feature film 591 60
Drama 305 346
Oscar season 191 460
Summer season 208 443
R rating 329 322
Audience.score Mean Median
Audience score 62.36252 65

The above plot grid compares the outcome of interest (audience score) with new explanatory varibles using boxplots. The diamond-shaped box and the line indicates each category’s mean and median audience score, respectively.

4. Modeling

We begin by examining the importance of our explanatory variables under all relevant priors and thereby searching for the prior, which will be used in the final model.

movies_main <- na.omit(movies_main)

# Unit information prior <- bas.lm(audience_score ~ ., data=movies_main, prior="g-prior", 
            a =nrow(movies_main), modelprior=uniform())
# a is the hyperparameter in this case g=n

#Zellner-Siow prior with Jeffrey's reference prior on sigma^2 <- bas.lm(audience_score ~ ., data=movies_main, prior="JZS", 

# Hyper g/n prior <- bas.lm(audience_score ~ ., data=movies_main, prior="hyper-g-n", 
               a=3, modelprior=uniform()) 
# hyperparameter a=3

# Empirical Bayesian estimation under maximum marginal likelihood <- bas.lm(audience_score ~ ., data=movies_main, prior="EB-local", 
              a = nrow(movies_main), modelprior=uniform())

# BIC to approximate reference prior <- bas.lm(audience_score ~ ., data=movies_main, prior="BIC", 

# AIC <- bas.lm(audience_score ~ ., data=movies_main, prior="AIC", 

In order to compare the posterior inclusion probability (pip) of each coefficient, we group the results \(p(\beta_i\neq0)\) obtained from the probne0 attribute of each model for later comparison.

probne0 = cbind($probne0,$probne0,$probne0,$probne0,

colnames(probne0) = c("g","BIC", "ZS", "EB","HG", "AIC")
rownames(probne0) = c($namesx)
#include_list <- c("Intercept","runtime","imdb_rating","critics_score")
#probne0 <- probne0[include_list,]

# Generate plot for each variable and save in a list
P = list()
for (i in 1:nrow(probne0)){
  mydata = data.frame(prior = colnames(probne0), posterior = probne0[i, ])
  mydata$prior = factor(mydata$prior, levels = colnames(probne0))
  p = ggplot(mydata, aes(x = prior, y = posterior)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") + xlab("") +
    ylab("") + theme(text = element_text(size=9), axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=1))+
    theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 9))
  P = c(P, list(p))

plot_grid(plotlist = P)

We observe that \(AIC\) prior is the least conservative and imdb_rating and critics_score have high posterior inclusion probabilties (greater than 0.8) in all the prior categories. Thus we choose \(BIC\) as the prior since it is not as conservatice as the \(g-prior\), but more conservative than the rest.

The Bayesian linear regression model (prior = BIC): <- bas.lm(
  audience_score ~ .,
  data = movies_main,
  prior = "BIC",
  modelprior = uniform(),
  method = "MCMC",
coef1 <- coef(
ci <- confint(coef1)[,1:2]
names <- c("posterior mean", "posterior std", "pip", colnames(ci))
out <- cbind(coef1$postmean, coef1$postsd, coef1$probne0, ci)
colnames(out) = names
#Rearrange posterior probabilities in descending order and print. 
out <- data.frame(out)
out <- out[order(-out$pip),]
posterior.mean posterior.std pip X2.5. X97.5.
Intercept 62.3477 0.3946 1.0000 61.5741 63.1311
imdb_rating 14.9860 0.7363 1.0000 13.6270 16.5408
critics_score 0.0628 0.0305 0.8858 0.0000 0.1064
runtime -0.0257 0.0312 0.4706 -0.0823 0.0001
mpaa_rating_Ryes -0.3036 0.7032 0.1998 -2.1621 0.0003
best_actor_winyes -0.2910 0.8361 0.1460 -2.6434 0.0000
best_actress_winyes -0.3115 0.9094 0.1423 -2.8232 0.0000
best_pic_nomyes 0.5159 1.5807 0.1333 0.0000 5.0611
thtr_rel_year -0.0045 0.0182 0.0905 -0.0508 0.0000
summer_seasonyes 0.0859 0.3807 0.0793 -0.0199 0.9887
oscar_seasonyes -0.0798 0.3760 0.0747 -0.9039 0.0000
best_dir_winyes -0.1201 0.6243 0.0673 -1.2547 0.0463
feature_filmyes -0.1048 0.5648 0.0655 -1.0211 0.0000
imdb_num_votes 0.0000 0.0000 0.0572 0.0000 0.0000
top200_boxyes 0.0847 0.6980 0.0468 -0.0502 0.0104
dramayes 0.0161 0.1941 0.0433 0.0000 0.0000
best_pic_winyes -0.0090 0.8515 0.0401 0.0000 0.0000

Coefficients graphs

plot(coef(, subset = c(1,4,9,11), ask = F)

The posterior inclusion probabilities are listed in descending order in the above table to highlight important predictors in our model. The variables imdb_rating has a posterior mean of 14.98, while critics_score is 0.0627. We also demonstrate the 95% credible intervals of all the predictors. Given this data, we believe that there is a 95% chance that the audience_score increases by 13.67 to 16.53 as the imdb_rating increases by one. The lower limit of critics_score’s credible interval includes 0, thus raising doubts about the importance of that variable. runtime is also included in the coefficient graphs grid, since it has a posterior inclusion probability of greater than 0.4.

Model diagnostics

We use the “MCMC” sampler until the number of unique models in the sample exceeds the number of models (\(2^{17}=131072\), where \(17\) is the total number of predictors) or until the number of iteration exceeds \(262144(=2\times131072)\), whichever is smaller.

diag1 <- c("pip","model")
for(i in 1:2){
  diagnostics(, type=diag1[[i]], col = "blue", pch = 16, cex.lab = 0.7,
           cex.main = 0.7)

The plot on the left verifies whether the MCMC exploration has run long enough so that the posterior inclusion probability (pip) has converged. Since all the points are on the 45 degree line, we conclude that the pip of each variable from MCMC has converged well enough to the theoretical pip. The plot on the right also confirms that the model posterior probabilities have also converged.

for(i in 1:4){
  plot(, which = i, ask = F, add.smooth = F, 
             pch = 16, cex.lab = 0.7)

  • Figure top-left: We observe non-constant variance around 0 for fitted values between 0 and 40. However, as fitted value increases, the variance becomes constant around zero. The results thus show minor heteroskedasticity.
  • Figure top-right: We observe that after about 1,000 unique models with MCMC sampling, the probability levels off, indicating that additional models have very small probability and do not contribute substantially to the posterior distribution.
  • Figure bottom-left: This plot is the model size (number of predictors in each model) versus the bayes factor to compare each model to the null model (the one with only the intercept). We observe that several models with the highest Bayes Factors contain between 4 to 9 predictors. Null model has \(BF=1\).
  • Figure bottom-right: The lines in red correspond to the variables where the marginal posterior inclusion probability (pip), is greater than 0.5. These are imdb_rating and critics_score besides the intercept, suggesting that these variables are important for prediction. The variables represented in grey lines have posterior inclusion probability less than 0.5.

Model Rank

image(, rotate=F, cex.axis=0.8)

We can see that the best ranked model includes runtime, imdb_rating and critics_score, besides the intercept.

5. Prediction

Prediction with full model:

accountant <- data.frame(
  feature_film = "yes", drama="no", 
  runtime=128, mpaa_rating_R = "yes", 
  thtr_rel_year = 2016, oscar_season = "yes", 
  summer_season = "no", imdb_rating = 7.3,
  imdb_num_votes = 249681, critics_score=52, 
  best_pic_nom = "no", best_pic_win = "no",
  best_actor_win = "no", best_actress_win = "no",
  best_dir_win = "no", top200_box = "no"
predict_1.1 <- predict(, accountant, estimator="HPM", interval = "predict",
predict_1.2 <- predict(, accountant, estimator="BPM", interval = "predict",
predict_1.3 <- predict(, accountant, estimator="BMA", interval = "predict",
predict_1.4 <- predict(, accountant, estimator="MPM", interval = "predict",

predict_data <- data.frame(
  "Movie (Accountant)" = c("Full model-HPM","Full model-BPM", "Full model-BMA", "Full model-MPM"),
  "Estimated audience score" = c(predict_1.1$Ybma, predict_1.2$Ybma, 
                                 predict_1.3$Ybma, predict_1.4$Ybma),
  "Real audience score" = 76
Movie..Accountant. Estimated.audience.score Real.audience.score
Full model-HPM 72.87218 76
Full model-BPM 73.30925 76
Full model-BMA 73.30925 76
Full model-MPM 73.78982 76

The explanatory variables common in the best model are:

intersect(intersect(predict_1.1$best.vars, predict_1.2$best.vars), 
          intersect(predict_1.3$best.vars, predict_1.4$best.vars))
## [1] "Intercept"     "imdb_rating"   "critics_score"
#Model with best BMA <- bas.lm(
  audience_score ~ imdb_rating + critics_score,
  data = movies_main,
  prior = "BIC",
  modelprior = uniform(),
) <- data.frame(
  imdb_rating = 7.3, critics_score = 52
predict_2 <- predict(,, estimator = "HPM", interval = "predict", = T)

#Model with best BMA and runtime included <- bas.lm(
  audience_score ~ imdb_rating + critics_score + runtime,
  data = movies_main,
  prior = "BIC",
  modelprior = uniform()
) <- data.frame(
  imdb_rating = 7.3, critics_score = 52, runtime = 128
predict_3 <- predict(,, estimator = "HPM", 
                     interval = "predict", = T)

#Linear Model <- lm(audience_score~.,
                 data = movies_main)
predict_4 <- predict(, accountant, interval = "prediction")

predict_data <- data.frame(
  "Movie (Accountant)" = c("Parsimonious model-BMA", "Parsimonious + runtime model-BMA", "Linear model - full"),
  "Estimated audience score" = c(predict_2$Ybma, predict_3$Ybma, predict_4[,1]),
  "Real audience score" = 76
Movie..Accountant. Estimated.audience.score Real.audience.score
Parsimonious model-BMA 73.78982 76
Parsimonious + runtime model-BMA 72.87218 76
Linear model - full 70.86968 76

We make a prediction of 73.78 using the full model (HPM), which is close to the actual audience score (76). Other related models also perform nearly as well. We also compare the Bayesian approach to the frequentist linear model and show that the Bayesian model predicts better.

6. Conclusion

In this project we determine the influence of several movie attributes on the Rotten Tomatoes audience score. We discover that only imdb_rating, critics_score and runtime are the major covariates explaining the audience_score.


Future work

A more exhaustive investigation would include collecting equitable data from all years (1970 - 2014) and recognizing the endogeneity (simultaneity bias) of imdb_rating. For example, just like imdb_rating influences audience_score, the opposite effect may also be true.